Lids4Kids Australia

Lids4Kids Australia was founded as a grass-roots 100% volunteer project in May 2019 by Timothy Miller, a Canberra-based full-time house Dad with three boys under ten. When Tim enquired about where to drop off his thousands of plastic bottle lids, the ACT Government advised him that any piece of plastic smaller than a credit card can’t be recycled and had to go to landfill. Whilst Tim is a revhead owning 1950s Holdens his whole life, he’s also passionate about the environment, so he wanted to find an alternative.

Lids4Kids Australia addresses public welfare by advancing mental health and preventing or alleviating social isolation. In Canberra, we operate a Community Recycling & Education Centre (HUB) for people to enjoy social inclusion and engage in meaningful volunteer work by recycling plastic bottle lids. We also deliver hands-on recycling education to schools and community groups in the ACT Region.

Lids4Kids ACT Rainbow Kindness Bench Raffle

Win a $950 Rainbow Kindness Bench for $5!

This unique, eco-friendly bench is made from 100% rescued and recycled plastic lids - collected, sorted, shredded, extruded, and turned into benches at our Fyshwick Hub and workshop. It is a truly local Canberra-made masterpiece with UV stabilisers that can withstand all the Aussie weather. ☀️🌧️ Plus, the bench comes with free delivery within the ACT! (interstate delivery can be organised at the winners expense).

If you're the lucky winner and don’t love the rainbow design, or if you'd prefer a custom colour, we’ve got you covered! Choose from your favourite sports team, a unique ombre, or your personal colour preference. Plus, you can easily upgrade to a larger bench by paying the difference.

Second prize: A beautiful handmade quilt.

Third prize: A set of four stunning mugs.

Don’t miss your chance to win a $950 bench for just $5 and support a 100% volunteer-run local charity. Get your tickets today!

Buy a ticket now

Sponsors and Recycling Partners

Lids4Kids is honored to have received significant financial and professional services support from our esteemed sponsors. Their generous and ongoing support keeps our lights on and our systems running. 

To become a sponsor and support our cause contact us.