Lids4Kids ACT Region

Lids4Kids was founded in Aranda ACT (2019), as a 100% volunteer, grass-roots project to help rescue small plastic bottle lids from our environment and local landfill. Over five years, thanks to the incredible support from tens of thousands of local and interstate volunteers, schools, community organisations, national service clubs and generous sponsors, Lids4Kids Australia has grown into a national charity which has rescued over 120M plastic bottle lids.

More Than Just Recycling

Lids4Kids still proudly calls Canberra home, establishing a Community Recycling & Education Centre (HUB) in 2022 to manage our Zero Waste Warrior programs, manufacture recycled plastic furniture, host educational tours and hands-on workshops. Our HUB is an inclusive space bringing people of all ages and abilities together to foster social connections, support mental health and empower everyone to make a meaningful difference for our environment.

  • More Than Just Recycling

    Lids4Kids still proudly calls Canberra home, establishing a Community Recycling & Education Centre (HUB) in 2022 to manage our Zero Waste Warrior programs, manufacture recycled plastic furniture, host educational tours and hands-on workshops. Our HUB is an inclusive space bringing people of all ages and abilities together to foster social connections, support mental health and empower everyone to make a meaningful difference for our environment.

  • Visit our HUB

    Our Community Recycling & Education Centre (HUB) is located at 141 Canberra Avenue, Fyshwick ACT. Open from 10am-2pm, Monday to Saturday (and the 2nd and 3rd Sunday of the month). 

    Where to find us 
  • Volunteer With Us

    Our HUB offers many volunteer opportunities for people of all ages,abilities and levels of experience. We need help with collecting, sorting, administration, construction and helping at community events – just to name a few! Please feel free to contact us or pop into the HUB for a chat.

    Contact us 
  • Lids4Kids Australia Membership 

    YOU can help prevent millions of everyday household waste items from ending up in landfill every year. If you reside in the ACT Region, your annual membership (only $29) includes a FREE Zero Waste Warrior tub which can be exchanged over and over at various locations.

    Join Now 
  • ZWW Tub - More Than Just Lids

    Did you know that our Lids4Kids members rescue dozens of other everyday household items from going to landfill? Our Zero Waste Warrior tubs can accept many (completely recyclable)plastic and metal items that are too small to go into your kerbside recycling bin.

    Buy now 
  • ZWW Tub - Swap&Go Locations

    Our Lids4Kids Zero Waste Warrior (ZWW) Tub Swap&Go program allows you to exchange your full ZWW tub for an empty ZWW tub at participating locations across the ACT region. You can do this as many times as you like throughout the year, provided your items are clean and dry and fit within your ZWW tub. Our Swap&Go locations can NOT accept bulk collections.

    Map of Swap&Go locations 
  • Schools Program

    Our Lids4Kids Community Recycling & Education Centre (HUB)offers hands-on workshop tours for visiting school groups as well as in-school talks to empower students to prevent small plastic from going to landfill. We also have recyclingeducation kits to help students inspire change within their school and local communitiesto become more environmentally responsible.

    Enquire now 
  • Community Groups

    Our HUB also offers hands-on workshop tours and talks to various local community groups to help empower their members to help prevent their everyday household items from going to landfill.Many organisations such as Lions, Rotary and Scoutshave strategic plans aligned with the UN Sustainable Development Goals and we can assistwith practical action to help.

    Enquire now 
  • Workplace Team Building

    Our HUB also offers hands-on workshop tours, talks and volunteering opportunities forvarious local businesses and companiesseeking unique team-building exercises. We can provide help with setting up in-house recycling, in-HUB sorting, workshop manufacturing as well as charity fundraising BBQs.

    Enquire now 

Visiting Lids4kids

Lids4Kids is located at 141 Canberra Avenue in Fyshwick near the Fyshwick Fresh Food Markets and Power Kart Raceway.

Canberra Avenue has a slip road which can be accessed from both sides. One end is opposite the entrance to the Petrol Station (next to KFC) and the other end is off Wentworth Avenue next to Power Kart Raceway.

There is a driveway up to 141 and Lids4Kids is straight ahead, you can't miss our wonderful bright benches!

Google Map directions